What is Amber Heard Doing?

Hey Team!
    So the verdict in the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial concluded a couple of weeks ago, and one would think that would be the end of it.  That the world would move on to the next thing and that Amber Heard would take the loss with grace, lay low for a while and then try for a comeback in a few years.  However, that is far from what has happened.
    Immediately following the verdict Amber released a statement opining on how this was a huge setback for women...
Most people online saw this for what it is, an attempt to obfuscate the loss case and make it about something more.  I was pleased to see that beyond the mainstream media, most people have seen through her attempts to game the system and sided with Johnny Depp.  That said, for those who have not followed the story closely, I am concerned that some could be swayed by her continued attempts to turn back the clock.  I am also concerned for the multitude of survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and/or Domestic Abuse that see Amber as a false representative.  I have heard from many said survivors and they are not at all happy with what she is doing.
    Then it was reported that, soon after the trial, Amber was seen taking a private plane to New York.  A week later we learned the purpose of this trip.  We learned that Amber had gone to New York to be interviewed by Savannah Guthrie from NBC.  In this interview Amber continues to try and turn back the clock on public opinion, and again, the concern is this may be effective for those who have not followed the trial closely.  Plus, how is she taking private jets if she is as broke as she says..?
    In watching the interview clips that have been released thus far, nothing new is being presented.  Even though Amber says she is not trying to re-litigate the trial, that is precisely what she is doing.  Her big concern?  That social media has not been fair to her.  Then, just like her testimony in court, the Amber Heard we see in these clips is not at all the Amber Heard we hear and see in previous recordings.  When we see and hear the real Amber Heard; we are witness to someone who is cruel, vindictive, egotistical, narcissistic and quick to shift emotions.  All of this was elegantly described by Dr Shannon Curry during her testimony in court.
    If anyone reads this, I implore you to help share the "real Amber Heard" with others who may not be aware.  Though not for the reasons she states, Amber is right about one thing... This case is bigger than two Hollywood celebrities having a spat in court.  It will help determine how we look at men who are victims of abuse going forward.
    I have spent hundreds of hours researching this case, and hundreds more creating videos to help those interested understand it.  Not solely watching the testimony, but also researching the related psychological and legal topics thoroughly.  Resulting in dozens of in-depth video analysis of the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp Defamation trial.  This isn't ego, but simply context.

*Here are a few of my projects that I would recommend folks start with if you are interested in knowing more.
Thank you so much!

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